Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day Needs


I decided to make the best out of this day because it has to last me four years. I have officially completed ONE thing on my To-Do list for today. This is evidence in its self that I am enjoying this 80 degree weather in the great town of Stink Water.

I accomplished tanning!
God has blessed us with a beautiful day filled with sunshine here! Normally I would be calling up Pete to ask him to walk Boomer Lake with me but today is his first day at his new job. I am so happy he finally found a job here but I am a litttttttle selfish when it comes to my time with him. 

So….to cure the little whole in my heart for missing a day at Boomer, I treated myself to a sweet tea from Chick-fil-a. I normally don't find this necessary. Usually a Red Diamond from a gas station will hit the spot but when it is this beautiful outside and I have two tests this week, a Chick-fil-a sweet tea is definitely on my 'needs' list.

February 29th only comes every four years.
Treat yourself to something sweet :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

adult things

I have had the joy of feeling extra adult this past week. That is a complete joke by the way. Who likes being an adult? I don't know about you but I miss the days of playing with teething toys in my oh-so comfy diaper.

Number one adult thing: I received THE email from my adviser at school. Not only is it time for me to make my appointment but it is time for me to graduate from general education classes people! I thought I would be happy when this day came…. I am actually flipping out because I don't want to graduate. After this semester I will have my Associates. Let me just put this into a even more 'adult' perspective for you. My mom had just got her Associates when her and my dad got married. I honestly never thought the day would come when every class I was taking was for my major.

Number two adult thing: Pete and I made a little road trip on Saturday to OKC to visit Pete's sister, Jena, who was here from San Antonio for a few days. Jena and her husband recently moved to San Antonio over Christmas. Pete's other sister, Sam, lives in Norman and goes to OU. You know you are getting old when your [pretty much sister] has to drive 10 hours just to see you. What happened to everyone living 15 minutes from each other?

Number three adult thing: Pete and I went to look at apartments for him today. Just like my school, I never thought the day would come that I would have to shop for an apartment. I mean I know it isn't for me but of course Pete needs my help picking out a place to live! Seriously cannot believe that Pete is about to finish his first year of college and get an apartment. What happened to being sixteen?

Number four adult thing: TWO of my friends/acquaintances got engaged this weekend. You know you are getting old when people your age are getting married. Isn't 20 a little young?! [Just my opinion]

Also, I went to my all time favorite beauty store this weekend while I was in OKC. Lush Cosmetics is a great place filled will all natural beauty products out the whazoo. I have some serious sensitive skin and can't use body wash from any drug store or anything. I splurged and purchased some body soap called Happy Hippy, a Dragon's Egg bath bomb, and some of the greatest face mask on earth, th Cupcake Mask. All of their prodcuts are natural which basically means they are a little present sent from heaven for people with skin like mine. Thank you Jesus for Lush.

Cupcake Face Mask

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dear So&So,

 Dear Wonderful Parents,
     Thank you for welcoming Pete and I home with open arms this weekend. We are so blessed to have such amazing people in our lives who continue to love on us no matter what. I just can't get enough of you both. Thank you for being such great examples to me. I love you both so much.

Dear Pete,
     You never cease to amaze me with the amount of hours you can sleep and the amount of time it takes you to hit the sack. Oh ya, and the fact that you can sleep anywhere, in any position, at any time. Thank you for making the most delicious brownies this weekend.
Betcha' didn't know I took this :)

Dear Weekend,
     I appreciate the fact that you allowed me to be an absolute lump on a log and accomplish absolutely nothing. I enjoy when I can spend my time with you being lazy and not to mention looking a little frumpy. The fact that my mom asked me when the last time I washed my hair was might be a little too frumpy, though. But I mean honestly, who looks their best on Saturdays anyway?

Dear Brooke and Amy,
     Love that our group texts consist of Amy informing us that her grandma just slapped her sister at a wedding. Cannot wait for another week full of lunch dates and millions of stories. Love you both so much and I am so blessed to have such amazing friends in my life.

Friday, February 17, 2012

My Sweet Valentine

This goes in the books for one of the best date nights ever.

Surpisingly, Stillwater didn't let us down on Valentines Day. Pete picked me up and took me to my all time favorite Italian restaurant in Stillwater. The food is to die for especially the yummy carb-filled bread. As long as I eat those I see no future in getting into shape. After dinner, Pete took me to see The Vow. I'd been dying to see it and knew that he was sacrificing a whole lot of manhood to see this chick flick. I was also shocked to hear him say, "It wasn't TOO bad!"

Gifts shmifts. Pete knew exactly what I wanted and purchased me a Starbucks gift card so I am able to gorge myself in even more coffee/tea. Oh and that huge box of chocolates?! It's not like spring break is in 4 weeks. It's fine.

I hand crafted my gift to Pete…just like I do almost every other gift I give him. I know guys aren't the biggest fans of home made things [except food] but because I have no job and no money, a $3 gift is right up my ally. [Pete gave plasma just so he could take me out! Isn't he the sweetest?!] I decided to make Pete the "52 Things I Love About You" cards. 

Here are a few pictures:

Pete actually liked this one. Probably because he can take the cards off the ring and play him a round of Nerts. Let's face it ladies, we only make these gifts so we have something to look back on, right? I mean we know the guy isn't going to come up with something this crafty! 

It was a fantastic Valentines Day filled with tons of laughs and tons of love. A huge thanks to Pete Carper for being such a fantastic boyfriend and the absolute best Valentine! Four years and runnin, baby! 

Sorry, we can't seem to remember to take pictures when we actual look presentable. 

Monday, February 13, 2012


It was brought to my attention that I have approximately 44 days until I am oceanfront in Destin with 40 of the greatest sorority sisters. I will admit that I am someone that doesn't get their healthy share of the gym on a week by week basis. Of course I had a New Years resolution that I would get in shape but when you add in class, homework, tests, and the fifteen shows I keep up with, it is sometimes a little hard to make time for the horrendous elliptical. God forbid I miss The Bachelor.

My boyfriend has this sore spot in his heart that hates Pinterest. Personally, I think he hates it because it distracts me from giving him the attention he thinks he deserves. I try to convince him that good things come out of spending hours on end searching through this time consuming site. Usually that doesn't work until now!

I recently stumbled across a pin that said 'workout videos'. I tend to stumble across several pins a day that aim toward working out but they never please me. If it's not a false link, it's just a magazine article. And lets face it, those magazine workouts never work. I decided I would give this pin a shot so I clicked on the picture and it took me to the heaven of workout videos.
[I know the girls are super in shape and have the best bodies ever but don't let that stop you!]

At first, I had little hope that this would solve my laziness to actually go to the gym but in fact, IT DID! Not only does this website have a bajillion videos, but they are extremely user friendly. I watched one video, called Pete and made him come to Walmart to help me buy the equipment I needed. 

I still go to the gym to do cardio but it is nice to be able to come back to my place and use ToneItUp. Plus, nobody is watching me while my lumpy buns are jumping for the stars.  Everybody check this site out and I promise you will love it!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Extremely Lazy and Incredibly Boring Weekend

Once again, the weekend came and went faster than I wanted.

This always happens to me. I have tons of things I want to do/need to do over the weekend and I maybe accomplish two of those things. Usually, my weekend consists of me loungin and snoozin, snoozin and loungin [Marcel the Shell 2 reference. Go watch it]

This past week my boyfriend had the opportunity to move into a niceR room on campus. We packed ALL his things up and transported it to his new room…this was all done without anything but our own two, teensie hands. Let's just say I proved that I am not the weakling everyone thinks I am. Soo…..he was incredibly excited to have a new place and get all settled when we found out his suite mates were absolutely crazy! And I mean legitimately C R A Z Y. Needless to say, we packed everything back into boxes and moved him back to his old room. We successfully moved him in and out of two rooms within a weekend. My workout for the month is complete. [Not really. I need to jump on that….NY resolution is knocking]

After all that hard labor, Pete and I treated ourselves to Rib Crib and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I was fairly disappointed in the movie but the BBQ was incredible. We also decided to splurge and treat ourselves to a fun/fruity drink we discovered last Spring Break. We had this drink several times a day on the cruise we took last year and became addicted. It is half Pineapple Juice and half Red Bull. We sipped on this yummy treat and played Boogle for awhile.

The rest of the weekend was probably spent on Pinterest but I have horrible memory.

Well actually…Pete and I DID watch the Super Bowl tonight. I'm not much of a football fan [except when my Cowboys are playing]. When anyone else is playing, I don't really pay attention. Because I am a horrible girlfriend and I lack a place to cook my boyfriend anything, we ate lunchables, chips, and oreos. I cannot tell you how many times I apologized for not being able to make him some Rotel. Whoops.
Also, I know none of you have met this beaut. So, I will make a formal introduction of my super cute pillow pet, Chloe. This is a picture of Chloe and I watching the Super Bowl. GO GIANTS/PATRIOTS!
[ignore the Doritos in the back]

If you watched the Super Bowl, I hope you ate enough cheese dip for my boyfriend too.
Fun Fact: I don't like cheese.