Sunday, February 26, 2012

adult things

I have had the joy of feeling extra adult this past week. That is a complete joke by the way. Who likes being an adult? I don't know about you but I miss the days of playing with teething toys in my oh-so comfy diaper.

Number one adult thing: I received THE email from my adviser at school. Not only is it time for me to make my appointment but it is time for me to graduate from general education classes people! I thought I would be happy when this day came…. I am actually flipping out because I don't want to graduate. After this semester I will have my Associates. Let me just put this into a even more 'adult' perspective for you. My mom had just got her Associates when her and my dad got married. I honestly never thought the day would come when every class I was taking was for my major.

Number two adult thing: Pete and I made a little road trip on Saturday to OKC to visit Pete's sister, Jena, who was here from San Antonio for a few days. Jena and her husband recently moved to San Antonio over Christmas. Pete's other sister, Sam, lives in Norman and goes to OU. You know you are getting old when your [pretty much sister] has to drive 10 hours just to see you. What happened to everyone living 15 minutes from each other?

Number three adult thing: Pete and I went to look at apartments for him today. Just like my school, I never thought the day would come that I would have to shop for an apartment. I mean I know it isn't for me but of course Pete needs my help picking out a place to live! Seriously cannot believe that Pete is about to finish his first year of college and get an apartment. What happened to being sixteen?

Number four adult thing: TWO of my friends/acquaintances got engaged this weekend. You know you are getting old when people your age are getting married. Isn't 20 a little young?! [Just my opinion]

Also, I went to my all time favorite beauty store this weekend while I was in OKC. Lush Cosmetics is a great place filled will all natural beauty products out the whazoo. I have some serious sensitive skin and can't use body wash from any drug store or anything. I splurged and purchased some body soap called Happy Hippy, a Dragon's Egg bath bomb, and some of the greatest face mask on earth, th Cupcake Mask. All of their prodcuts are natural which basically means they are a little present sent from heaven for people with skin like mine. Thank you Jesus for Lush.

Cupcake Face Mask

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