Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Color Me Cocoa

Hello ALL!
This is my first wedding post! Hope you enjoy ;)

I am all about weddings and everything that is involved in planning a bride's big day. Fall is here and so are brides searching for the perfect wedding palette for the season. Look at this beauty up above! I love the different shades of brown with the pops of gorgeous color!! I know people always think that spring and summer weddings are perfect because they have such a wide range of bright colors to choose from. But I promise, if you try, finding a memorable color palette for fall is not impossible. Yes, I said it, NOT impossible. If I was planning my BIG day for the fall, this palette would be one of my top picks. 

Well, just a little wedding advice for those who adore weddings as much as I do :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Falling Into Fall

Oh you know, just another study break for me on my Sunday night.

To be honest, I've never had a favorite season. The past 19 (almost 20) years I have always told people that my favorite season is summer. I think I just picked summer because it is hot, there is no school, and you get to take fun vacations. For whatever reasons, summer was my first pick. But ladies and gentleman, I am almost 20 years old. I believe I need a favorite season. So...in that case, I have disected all four seasons so I could choose my favorite. It didn't take long until I realized that I am in love with autumn.

Autumn is the most beautiful season. The weather is turning just chilly enough to throw on a pair of William Rast skinnies and a light sweater. Don't forget the floral scarf (I'm a scarf junkie too). Starbucks is releasing their oh so famous Pumpkin Spice Latte, which is pure heaven in a cup. It's football season, the leaves are turning orange and red, and I get to burn my Leaves candle from Bath and Body Works. Don't forget the pumpkin ptach! These are just some of the greatest things about Fall. I am proud to say that I am falling in love with fall.

                       What is your favorite season?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Desperate Need.

As the week is slowly, slowly, s l o w l y coming to an end, I am patiently waiting for the weekend. This week has not only been busy like every other week of my college life but it becomes extra busy when two tests are piled on my load. To-do lists are my thing. Yes, it helps me keep track of the things I have to get done but I also get to decorate a piece of paper with fun colors and pretty penmanship. I am just a craft junkie, so anything thrown my way where I can have fun doing it, I get extremely excited about. Through out the week of surviving Theta meetings and Geography and Speech tests, I have realized My Desperate Need.
The Lord continues to bless me through each busy week. Whether it is having a blast with my Theta sister on the porch, stepping on a balance beam for the first time in 5 years, or treating myself to a delicious Jamba Juice with the best man in the world, I continuously am appalled at the blessings God pours on me. This semster has been packed with creative To-Do lists but how many times has God been on my To-Do list? These thoughts get me every time. God pours his blessings on me each and every day and how many times do I pour my blessing on Him? My Desperate Need is to become a woman that blesses God for His blessings. Through out this whole week of craziness, all I have wanted is the weekend. The weekend has been My Desperate Need until tonight. Tonight, God is My Desperate Need.

I hope that God can become your Desperate Need as each of you continue living out your busy schedules and hectic lives. Just never forget to make crafty To-Do Lists and to add God to those.